Friday, 13 November 2020

Year 6 lead the Remembrance Day Service

Copthill shared a moving Armistice Day service this morning lead by Year 6. Thank you to them and thank you to Lt Murphy from the Royal Marines who joined us from afar, very special and very poignant. The service can be viewed following the link below:

Year 5's Children In Need

 For Children in Need Year 5 worked hard to produce a selection of workout videos for the rest of the school to try out this week.  Hopefully they enjoyed them and got a bit fitter in the process.

Year  5 also planned and prepared an activity for each year group to take part in during Children in Need week.  These included a Treasure Hunt for Y1, Crosswords and 'Pin the Patch on Pudsey' for Y6 and a Wordsearch for Y3.  

To finish the week, Friday was a non-uniform day for the whole school in return for a donation of £1.00.

Well done everyone.  Hopefully we raised lots of money for a great cause.

Year 6's Spanish Paella

Y6 traditional cooking Spanish Paella over the fire.

We used a Spanish recipe to translate key words including cooking instructions and ingredients. Everybody worked as a team to chop and then add the verduras in slowly (pasito!) and let the rice (arroz) bubble slowly over the fire. We also discussed other paella recipes and differences we could make e.g. by adding seafood or chorizo. Me gusta mucho!

Some very thoughtful work by Year 5

Year 5 have been busy using role play and drama to empathise with the discrimination Jewish children faced during Kristallnact and WW2. They had incredible ideas they wrote in their thought bubble reflections.  Mrs Hesford

Thursday, 26 March 2020

End of Term with Bang for Year 6

Literally ending the term with a bang! Year 6 embracing their WW1 topic with an afternoon in the Copthill trenches and what a scene it was, FANTASTIC!

Thursday, 5 March 2020

5A and 5D dissect lungs

After such an amazing heart dissection last week, Y5 showed even more exploration skills by dissecting lungs including feeling the trachea and comparing it to the oesophagus' texture; blowing up the lungs using bronchi and also cutting down bronchioles to see the mucus and many routes. #independentexplorers #scientistsoftomorro


Friday, 28 February 2020

Y5 French directions treasure hunt

Y5 have been learning how to describe their town, creating their own local maps and labelling them with the French names. We then moved on to learn directions so that we can make sure we can find our way in French speaking countries! To put our new language to the test, we did a French treasure hunt where we all had to read and translate the French directions to record the correct answer and  find the next clue until we managed to locate the hidden treasure... Super work practising French oral and reading skills.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

5D and 5A dissect hearts!

As part of their circulatory system work in biology this term, Year 5 have been dissecting hearts to learn more about the structure, blood flow and key arteries and veins. It was great to see our young scientists doing hands on exploration to learn more!

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Y6 grow their own micro-organisms!

Check out Y6 investigating micro-organisms using petri dishes and micro-scopes. Amazing hands on exploration! I wonder where the most active microbes were found!?

Languages morning making Spanish Salsa and Guacamole

The Super Six and other languages pupils had the chance to translate recipes from Spanish to create their own guacamole and salsa dips to try with tortillas! They also planned games with the reception class, verbal guess who Spanish games, cafe role play and created a giant model of the Eiffel tower!

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Y5/6 experience the Young Shakespeare's production of The Tempest

Years 5 and 6 were treated to an amazing, interactive performance of Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' on Monday afternoon by the Young Shakespeare Company. The actors superbly engaged everyone in the tale of the islanders and the spirits that Prospero controls in order to seek revenge on those who tried to kill him and his daughter Miranda but who later learns the power of forgiveness. The children were added into many roles and showed super improvisation skills and w

ere a great audience too.

Friday, 31 January 2020

A morning in the woods with Mr Teesdale!

Having endured some hard working weeks of exams, Mr Teesdale thought a morning in the woods was just what Year 6 needed. The children enjoyed  ‘Gods eye’ weaving, tree planting, shooting and hot chocolate drinking! Just the ticket for all! 

Year 6 lead the Remembrance Day Service

Copthill shared a moving Armistice Day service this morning lead by Year 6. Thank you to them and thank you to Lt Murphy from the Royal Mar...