Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Y6 Latin act the Roman Courts

As part of their Latin and classics lessons, Y6 have been learning about the Roman justice system and courts of law. After translating a short Latin story and playscript, they act the scene in the courts in Latin. Bene!

Friday, 3 May 2019

Y5 become first aid experts in their mini-medics course!

Y5 have enjoyed a hands-on afternoon of learning how to deliver essential first aid should they encounter a casualty. As well as learning how to use defibrillators, they developed the skills of CPR and correct application of bandages as well as treating people for choking and shock. We were all very impressed with their skills!

Year 6 lead the Remembrance Day Service

Copthill shared a moving Armistice Day service this morning lead by Year 6. Thank you to them and thank you to Lt Murphy from the Royal Mar...