Friday, 15 March 2019

Y5 French treasure hunt

Y5 put their French skills to the test this morning by following directions in French to discover the secret password to gain their treasure. Great practice of French reading and speaking and listening skills.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Y6 hold their own French Cafe scenes in preparation for their visit at the end of term. They had to ask in French for the items they wanted to try and converse with the waitress correctly!

Forensics in action...

A great afternoon at TPS for some Y5 pupils practising their chemistry skills in a practical crime-scene forensics investigation!

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Y5 dissect hearts!

Y5 have enjoyed continuing their learning about the circulatory system by dissecting hearts! They really wowed with their knowledge of the four chambers and different blood vessels.
Well done.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Y6 Classics morning at SHS

Y6 had a super visit to SHS today for a Classics morning where they experienced some higher level Latin. They started with an online vocabulary competition, followed by super acting of a newly learnt Greek myth and ended with some Latin root word competitions in groups. A great transition time for the girls attending Stamford in September too. Bene!

Year 6 lead the Remembrance Day Service

Copthill shared a moving Armistice Day service this morning lead by Year 6. Thank you to them and thank you to Lt Murphy from the Royal Mar...