Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Y5 Spanish fiesta

viernes el 28 de septiembre
As part of their ‘fiesta’ topic, Y5 have immersed themselves in their very own Fiesta! They tried traditional Spanish foods including el chorizo, las tortillas, la salsa, la guacamole y las patatas bravas! After giving their opinions, they then played the traditional Spanish game of Piñata! Muy Bien!

Spanish forest school Y6

Text Box: jueves el 27 de septiembre

Y6 traditional cooking Spanish Paella over the fire.We used a Spanish recipe to translate key words including cooking instructions, ingredients and colours. Everybody worked as a team to add the verduras in slowly (pasito!) and let the rice (arroz) bubble slowly over the fire. We also discussed other paella recipes and differences we could make e.g. by adding seafood or chorizo.After it had cooked, we were able to try the Paella and give our opinions in Spanish. Me gusta mucho! Lots of us then took the recipes home to try again.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Les Super Six

Congratulations to our new Super Six for 2018-19!
Lottie Parker, Eshan Shah, Owen Nazuruk Wheeler, Holly Potts, Holly Haynes and Flo Cavaciuti!
We look forward to all the exciting language tasks you will prepare this year.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Classics morning at Copthill

Y6 Classics morning
Year 6 had a fabulous morning with the Latin pupils from SHS completing lots of different classics activities together. We started the morning with a Harry Potter based Latin challenge, using Latin roots to understand the effects of spells and learn more about the characters’ names. Following this, Y6 were set to work with Roman Numerals, watching Mr Thomas chisel wood to demonstrate why numerals were the shapes they were and then completing different problem solving tasks. Later in the morning, we studied the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, evaluated Greek pottery and how the Ancient Greeks used these to tell stories before creating our very own versions. We finished the morning in the Classics garden in the (almost Rome-like) sunshine. Bene!

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Y6 French Soirée

Yesterday the Y6 pupils and their parents enjoyed a French Soirée evening. Y6  did some French role play to show their language learning this year and shared their memories of the trip before having chance to talk to their parents over some French food and wine (for the grown-ups!)
C'était une très bon soir!

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Spring Term Language medal winners

Congratulations to our upper school, Spring term language medal winners:
Y4- Florence Cavaciuti
Y5- Peyton Turner
Y6- Eloise Walker

What a fantastic term of French, Spanish and Latin!

Friday, 2 February 2018

Open day fun!

Open day languages morning 1st February 2018

Les Super six plus 6 other Y5/6 language stars had an excellent morning of languages activities as part of open day.
We split into groups of 2 and 3 to complete 6 different activities including:
-          French board games
-          Making our own French/Spanish recipe books in the target language as part of this term’s challenge project
-          Chrome book language online challenges (including vocab express and duolingo)
-           French Café role play (avec berets and French euros!)
-          Designing and describing crazy Spanish monsters
-          Introductions to Latin with minimus mouse- super adjective and Latin root work

A super morning! Bien! You all worked so hard with your language writing, reading and most importantly had fun speaking French and Spanish!

Friday, 12 January 2018

Language medal winners

Congratulations to our Autumn term language medal winners:
Y4- Holly Hayens
Y5- Owen Nazaruk-Wheeler
Y6- Jessica Dean

Year 6 lead the Remembrance Day Service

Copthill shared a moving Armistice Day service this morning lead by Year 6. Thank you to them and thank you to Lt Murphy from the Royal Mar...