Saturday, 21 October 2017

Happy Half Term!

What a fantastic start to our new year. A wonderful term full of exciting languages learning.
Y5 have been preparing for their Spanish Fiestas (get ready for our forest school cooking of our party food in the first week back). Year 6 have been learning to describe their daily routines in Spanish and themselves in French. Y4 have learnt so many new words in their first Spanish sessions and continue to wow me with their French knowledge.I look forward to starting Spanish with 4U next term!
The open morning was huge fun! 12 Y5/6 pupils including les super six decoded the story of le bonhomme de pain d'epice! After understanding the story in French, we followed a French recipe to bake our own gingerbread men before playing the French board game- Cours cours!!
A huge 'Muy Bien' to our language stars in the last few weeks:
William Fraser and Sammy Chesworth!

Year 6 lead the Remembrance Day Service

Copthill shared a moving Armistice Day service this morning lead by Year 6. Thank you to them and thank you to Lt Murphy from the Royal Mar...