Thursday, 22 June 2017

Classics Morning
On Tuesday June 20th the Year 5 Latinists spent an exciting morning at SGHS learning all about Latin and Greek myths.  The morning started in Mrs. Wilson’s Latin Room where we were asked to look closely at all the displays:  we especially liked the tree of Latin words with leaves which carried all the words that we use in English that have come down to us from Latin.
Mrs.Wilson told us the thrilling story of how the Trojan Prince Paris had to judge between three Olympian goddesses – which one should win the golden apple inscribed with the words, “For the fairest”?  On a worksheet Copthill pupils then named characters from the story and gave them appropriate speech bubbles.
After squash and biscuits we adjourned to the Ancaster Studio and got into groups with our Year 9 hosts.  The aim was to create a vivid re-telling of the story, featuring all the characters, using props and music.  How inventive the mini-plays were and some of them very funny too!  We all enjoyed Emily’s high-voiced Hermes!
After a whistle-stop tour of the school we then returned to the Ancaster and got into smaller groups.  This time we had to come up with an acrostic poem, based on the names of the main characters – what a challenge “Menelaus” turned out to be!
Copthill pupils then enjoyed a delicious lunch, then it was back to school for the afternoon.  I would like to thank Mrs.Wilson and the Year 9 girls for their warm welcome and the range of fun activities which they had organised for us.
I would also like to say well done to our Copthill Latinists – your manners were impeccable and you were a credit to our school.

Mrs.Wroblewska      June 22nd 2017

Year 6 lead the Remembrance Day Service

Copthill shared a moving Armistice Day service this morning lead by Year 6. Thank you to them and thank you to Lt Murphy from the Royal Mar...