Thursday 19 January 2017

Spring Term news so far ....

Salut!  Bonjour!  Hola, buenos dias! salvete!

An excellent start to the term thanks to Jemima (6T) and Georgie Sakkalli (6D) who have completed the Vocabexpress programme, including the new French to French section.  Their grand totasl now stands at 9,900 marks each.  Phew, what a score!  Well done, Jemima and Georgie!

Year 5 Latinists have made an excellent start on the Roman coins topic.  They have studied some of the coins which were found on Copthill land and are beginning to understand the iconography and text of these coins.  They have come up with some fascinating lines of research.  If you would like to find out more about this and other finds in the area here is an excellent website for the county archaeologists:

4L are now starting their second component of Spanish.  They have found out all about Los Tres Reyes - the three kings who bring Christmas presents to Spanish children.  Next they will be learning all about celebrating birthdays in Spain - Feliz cumpleanos!


Year 6 lead the Remembrance Day Service

Copthill shared a moving Armistice Day service this morning lead by Year 6. Thank you to them and thank you to Lt Murphy from the Royal Mar...